On the morning of Monique and Arcie’s wedding I had a quick swim at our local pool, and mentioned to a friend that I was off to photograph an elopement in the Rosalind Park conservatory. His eyes lit up - he and his wife had eloped in the same spot, 40 something years before. The Conservatory is iconically Bendigo - built in 1897, and witness to so many special moments in the years since. It is always changing and always beautiful, with so many fabulous options for photos in the surrounding area (Rosalind Park, the heritage aw courts and GPO, adjacent Yi Yuan gardens and Bendigo CBD).

Monique and Arcie were visiting Bendigo from the Phillipines, and eloped with two witnesses and an adorable ring bearer. It was calm and joyful, and all done in 30 minutes - just in time for lunch.

It was a joy and genuine privilege to be a part of.

Rosalind Park Conservatory
’Just Marry Us’ with Sue Begg and Alli Campbell
